How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat For Women
Not every woman wants to go to the gym and pump iron and do crunches while hanging upside down. In fact unless it’s an all-female gym it’s sometimes a little creepy working out in the gym. Now, if that is your cup of tea I’m not knocking it. However, this article is about how to get rid of belly fat for women, not looking to sweat it out in the gym, with ogling men.
For many reasons as time goes by the fat seems to slightly begin to navigate to the belly for both men and women. For many men it’s accepted as cute or sexy, i.e., love handles. For women, accumulated belly fat is viewed as them, letting themselves go. I can’t explain the double standard but if you want to figure out how to get rid of belly fat women, it’s probably easier than you have been making it out to be.
Where’s the belly fat coming from?
It’s the million dollar question and one that has a “well it depends answer”.
I know that’s not a popular answer but its true. The simple answer is that you basically begin to accumulate belly fat as you take in more calories than you need or burn each day. The fats is stored throughout the body and over a period of time, especially as you begin to age, and exercise less, it settles in the mid-section area.
Another culprit that women have to deal with is a decreasing amount of estrogen produced as they age. Estrogen has been associated with regulating where fat is stored and many experts have linked estrogen changes to increased belly fat in woman.
What is the big deal about belly fat in women?
Well, besides the fact that many women feel unattractive carrying belly fat, it has been associated with increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, breast and colorectal cancer. With the excess belly fat accumulating you also have visceral fat which raises your blood pressure and negatively affects your good and bad cholesterol levels.
Help For Women Getting Rid Of Belly Fat
The natural tendency for women seeking to get rid of belly fat is doing those ab targeting exercises that is helpful for losing weight but not necessarily belly fat. This is confusing for many women looking to trim the belly fat. The best way to get rid of belly fat women is to put together a plan that includes both dieting and exercise.
I know what you are thinking “I have been there and done that”. Well I’m not suggesting that you try to do the same things that you have always done to lose belly fat. That would be insane and I’d like to believe that I’m not crazy.
To get started losing belly fat, I would suggest the following;
Make smarter food choices which means eating more fruits, vegetables and lean meats. Also, make sure that you cut back on your meal portions. If you are preparing the food at home, make sure you don’t overload your plate. Just because you are healthier foods, you can’t subconsciously consume larger portions. It defeats the purpose of eating healthy if you consume just as many calories because you eat more. Also, you need to include a little regular exercise to get the process of getting rid of belly fat off to a good start.
The good news is women that getting rid of belly fat for you doesn’t have to be a life altering event. You can make subtle changes that can have a significant positive affect of getting rid of your belly fat.