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Jumat, 25 Desember 2015

Amazing Bone Facts

Amazing Bone Facts
Image source"Human skeleton front en" by LadyofHats Mariana Ruiz Villarreal - Own work. Image renamed from File:Human skeleton front.svg. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Human_skeleton_front_en.svg#/media/File:Human_skeleton_front_en.svg

What would happen if humans didn't have bones?
You'd be floppy like a beanbag. Could you stand up? Forget it. Could you walk? No way. Without bones you'd be just a puddle of skin and guts on the floor.

Bones have two purposes. Some, like your backbone, provide the structure which enables you to stand erect instead of lying like a puddle on the floor. Other bones protect the delicate, and sometimes soft, insides of your body. Your skull, a series of fused bones, acts like a hard protective helmet for your brain. The bones, or vertebrae, of your spinal column surround your spinal cord, a complex bundle of nerves. Imagine what could happen to your heart and lungs without the protective armor of your rib cage!

How many bones do humans have?
When you were born you had over 300 bones. As you grew, some of these bones began to fuse together. The result? An adult has only 206 bones!

How do my bones move?
With a lot of help. You need muscles to pull on bones so that you can move. Along with muscles and joints, bones are responsible for you being able to move. Your muscles are attached to bones. When muscles contract, the bones to which they are attached act as levers and cause various body parts to move.

You also need joints which provide flexible connections between these bones. Your body has different kinds of joints. Some, such as those in your knees, work like door hinges, enabling you to move back and forth. Those in your neck enable bones to pivot so you can turn your head. Still other joints like the shoulder enable you to move your arms 360 degrees like a shower head.

Are your bones alive?
Absolutely. Bones are made of a mix of hard stuff that gives them strength and tons of living cells which help them grow and repair themselves. Like other cells in your body, the bone cells rely on blood to keep them alive. Blood brings them food and oxygen and takes away waste.

If bones weren't made of living cells, things like broken toes or arms would never mend. But don't worry, they do. That's because your bone cells are busy growing and multiplying to repair the break! How? When you break your toe, blood clots form to close up the space between the broken segments. Then your body mobilizes bone cells to deposit more of the hard stuff to bridge the break.

What's bone marrow?
Many bones are hollow. Their hollowness makes bones strong and light. It' s in the center of many bones that bone marrow makes new red and white blood cells. Red blood cells ensure that oxygen is distributed to all parts of your body and white blood cells ensure you are able to fight germs and disease. Who would have thought that bones make blood!?!

Do all critters have a backbone?
Nope. In fact, some 97% of critters on earth don' t have a backbone or spine.Remarkably enough, of those that do have a backbone, there are lots of similarities: a skull surrounding a brain, a rib cage surrounding a heart, and a jawbone or mouth opening.

1. The human hand has 27 bones; your face has 14!

2. The longest bone in your body? Your thigh bone, the femur- it' s about 1/4 of your height. The smallest is the stirrup bone in the ear which can measure 1/10 of an inch.

3. Did you know that humans and giraffes have the same number of bones in their necks? Giraffe neck vertebrae are just much, much longer!

4. You have over 230 moveable and semi-moveable joints in your body.

5. When you lift a glass of milk and take a sip, more than 30 joints move in your fingers, wrist, arm and shoulder.

6. Joints are where bones meet.

7. Throughout life, our bones are being remolded; old bone is broken down (resorption) and new born is formed (formation).

8. During childhood and teenage years, new bone is developed faster then old bone is removed, as a result, bones grow longer and denser.

9. Maximum bone density and strength is reached around age 30.

10. Maximum bone density and strength may never be reached if there is an inadequate amount of calcium in the body.

11. Calcium is not only needed for bone growth, calcium is also needed for other things such as nerve impulses, blood clotting, and muscle contraction.

12. Osteoporosis is a disease of the bones. If maximum bone density is not reached during the bone-building years, osteoporosis is more likely to develop later in life.

13. Osteoporosis can cause bones to become fragile, weak, and prone to fracture.

14. Environmental factors of osteoporosis are: Getting enough calcium, exercising, not smoking, and avoiding excessive alcohol consumption. These factors can be controlled and can help lessen the risk osteoporosis.

15. Genetic factors such as being female, small-boned, and having a family history of osteoporosis, cannot be controlled.

16. The most effective way to build bone mass is weight bearing exercises. Weight bearing exercises are exercises that cause muscles to work against gravity. Examples are: walking, running, dancing, racquet sports, basketball, and soccer.

Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2015

Amazing Super Food-Maca

Amazing Super Food-Maca
Maca is a hardy perennial plant cultivated high in the Andean Mountain at altitudes from 11,000-14,500 feet. Maca was domesticated about 2000 years ago by the Inca Indians. To the Andean Indians, Maca is a valuable commodity. Because so little else grows in the region, Maca is often traded with communities at lower elevations for other staples like rice, corn, and beans. The dried roots can be stored for up to seven years. Native Peruvians have traditionally utilized Maca since before the time of the Incas for both nutritional and medicinal purposes.

Maca is a member of the Brassica family of plants (cabbage, cauliflower, turnip, watercress) and consists of an above ground leafy component and a below ground root component. It is the root component that is primarily used and studied.

An adaptogen is a substance which helps the body adapt to a variety of situations. Some 
adaptogens, like Ginseng, have an ability to promote energy. Maca is such an adaptogen.  It’s truly a buried treasure, though. The edible root, which looks like a turnip or radish, comes in a range of colors, including cream, gray, yellow, purple, yellow-and-purple, red, and black. It smells faintly of butterscotch, and can have a sharp taste that packs a zing like mustard or wasabi-which is why locals prefer to boil, roast, or dry and/or grind it into flour before including it in their daily dishes. 

Many factors can affect libido, including hormone levels, stress, and mood. Well-designed research has shown, however, that within 8 weeks of taking 1,500 mg of maca daily, men have an average 180 percent increase in their libido. Furthermore, the effect is independent of whether they have depression or anxiety, and it doesn’t cause changes in their levels of testosterone or estrogen.

1. Many  holistic  practitioners  recommend  Maca  to  help relieve unpleasant symptoms of 

2. Maca has a balancing effect on the hypothalamus, the master switch of the body,which regulates the endocrine glands, including the pituitary, the adrenals, the ovaries, the  testes, the thyroid and the pancreas.

3. Maca nourishes your body and the natural production of hormones by encouraging the optimal functioning of the endocrine system.

4. Maca improves physical and emotional well-being and lowers stress, improves athletic 
performance without harmful side effects, increases energy and promotes mental clarity and concentration.

Benefits of Maca in Women 
Nourishes the endocrine system, stimulating the natural production of estrogen and  n progesterone. 

Increases energy, improves physical and emotional well-being, and lowers stress. 

Promotes mental clarity and concentration. 

Maca increases stamina and athletic performance without harmful side effects. 

Alleviates the symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, insomnia, vaginal dryness, night sweats, chills, irritability, incontinence, sore muscles and joints. 

Benefits of Maca in Men 
Nourishes the endocrine system, encouraging it naturally to produce higher testosterone levels which in turn boosts sexual energy. 

Improves physical and emotional well-being and lowers stress. 

Maca increases stamina and athletic performance without harmful side effects. 

Promotes mental clarity and concentration. 

Jumat, 13 Juni 2014

Amazing Facts - Human Body

Amazing Facts - Human Body

1. A human being loses an average of 40 to 100 strands of hair a day. 

2. A cough releases an explosive charge of air that moves at speeds up to 60 mph. 

3. Every time you lick a stamp, you consume 1/10 of a calorie. 

4. A fetus acquires fingerprints at the age of three months. 

5. A sneeze can exceed the speed of 100 mph. 

6. Every person has a unique tongue print. 

7. According to German researchers, the risk of heart attack is higher on Monday than any other day of the week. 

8. After spending hours working at a computer display, look at a blank piece of white paper. It will probably appear pink. 

9. An average human drinks about 16,000 gallons of water in a lifetime. 

10. A fingernail or toenail takes about 6 months to grow from base to tip. 

11. An average human scalp has 100,000 hairs. 

12. It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown. 

13. Babies are born with 300 bones, but by adulthood, we only have 206 in our bodies. 

14. Beards are the fastest growing hairs on the human body. If the average man never trimmed his beard, it would grow to nearly 30 feet long in his lifetime. 

15. By age sixty, most people have lost half of their taste buds. 

16. By the time you turn 70, your heart will have beat some two-and-a-half billion times (figuring on an average of 70 beats per minute). 

17. Each square inch of human skin consists of twenty feet of blood vessels. 

18. Every human spent half an hour as a single cell. 

19. Every square inch of the human body has an average of 32 million bacteria on it. 

20. Fingernails grow faster than toenails. 

21. Humans shed about 600,000 particles of skin every hour-about 1.5 pounds a year. By 70 years of age, an average person will have lost 105 pounds of skin. 

22. At rest, a person breathes about 14 to 16 times per minute. After exercise it could increase to over 60 times per minute. 

23. New babies at rest breathe between 40 and 50 times per minute. By age five it decreases to around 25 times per minute. 

24. The total surface area of the alveoli (tiny air sacs in the lungs) is the size of a tennis court. 

25. The lungs are the only organ in the body that can float on water. 

26. The lungs produce a detergent-like substance which reduces the surface tension of the fluid lining, allowing air in. 

27. Your heart is about the same size as your fist. 

28. An average adult body contains about five quarts of blood. 

29. All the blood vessels in the body joined end to end would stretch 62,000 miles or two and a half times around the earth. 

30. The heart circulates the body's blood supply about 1,000 times each day.