
Jumat, 12 Agustus 2016

What is the difference between alternative medicine and complementary medicine?

What medicine supplementing? 

It is in general a set of diagnostic and therapeutic tools that contribute with traditional medicine in some cases as an example by the use of different aromatherapy aromatherapy treatment in cases ease the pain of post-surgery. Means of supplementing the medicine so far despite the multiplicity it has not been included in the education system in the medical faculties of medicine Bank until now so as to reasons, including a social cultural, economic, scientific, therefore Until now, the medical center has not formally adopted.
The different medicine supplementing for alternative medicine, as the means of medicine supplementing used in conjunction with the means of traditional medicine while the swing through his name medicine it offers an alternative to traditional medicine is known to all, and as an example that it is in alternative medicine uses a particular type of diet therapy cancer substitute for traditional medical methods of surgery, radiation therapy or chemotherapy by a doctor.

The following methods are included in both the alternative and complementary medicine Medicine:

  • Chinese needles, Alexander technique, aromatherapy. 
  • - Alaarovindy medicine, nutrition vital bounced 
  • - food therapy, herbal remedies, hypnosis. 
  • - Altjansy Medicine, Comprehensive Nursing.
  •  - Massage therapy (massage), meditation therapy.
  •  - Presser Jong technique, technique Rai Ki, Tai Chi technique.
  •  - Ruhani therapy, traditional Chinese medicine. 
  • - Yoga therapy, physical therapy medicine nature

What is alternative medicine? 

Alternative medicine is a practice which aim to provide the treatment of non-traditional in some cases with a view to the replacement of traditional medicine is final and not supplemented as supplementing in medicine. Of course, the medical or scientific community does not recognize these practices as a substitute for conventional medical techniques. This kind of treatments may include:
  •  supplements 
  •  tremendous doses of vitamins 
  •  herbal formulas 
  •  special types of tea 
  •  Massage Therapy 
  •  magnetism 
  •  and Ruhani therapy treatment.

What types of practices within medicine and complementary medicine field is the alternative? 

Can be divided into these treatments or practices into five types or five main sections:
 - medical systems alternative: is the practice of therapeutic based on the theories and practice both believed to have evolved separately and thanking the early traditional medical techniques adopted in the United States, for example by: Altjansy Medicine Medicine nature and developed in Western cultures, as well as traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda in the other country.

- Physical and mental practices:

 The aim of strengthen it, including mental ability to control functions and physical symptoms and some techniques that they fall under these names are now part of the traditional medicine and recognized by Example: patient support groups, mental and behavioral therapy. And still others fall under the traditional medicine and supplementing such as meditation and prayers, mental therapy and treatment using technical innovations, such as painting, music and dance. 

- Building on the treatment of nature: 

the use of natural materials such as herbs, foods and vitamins and nutritional supplements, and some of the material which is normal in this field, but is not recognized, such as cartilage shark in the treatment of diseases such as cancer. 

- Physical manipulative practices:

 which is based on moving certain parts of the body in order to achieve a therapeutic result, including: physical therapy, massage therapy and chiropractic. 

- Power:

 which includes the use of certain energy fields in the treatment, including the natural energy field by manipulating the energy that are believed to surround the body treatments (not proven scientifically) through physical or other movements of what is known techniques opinion Ki and Ki-jung, and also field electromagnetic of through the use of electromagnetic pulses or currents or magnetic fields in therapy. It is necessary to discuss your use complementary therapies or alternative in case of contracting cancer because some of these practices may hinder or conflict with traditional treatments as they may be dangerous in case of use with the original treatment, and in addition to that will be useful to you identify each Jonb these practices from the doctor before doing Here's the most important questions that should be directed to the doctor if you decide to use a medicine techniques alternative or complementary:
 - What are the most important benefits that I have gotten from this treatment?
 - What are the main dangers of this treatment? 
- Is the outcome of the biggest benefits of complications? 
- Does it would interfere with conventional treatment? 
- Are these treatments subject to any medical experiments now? 
It is responsible for them? 

On what basis could be responsible for the treatment or supplementing traditional choice? 

1. Consult your doctor or a specialist or anyone aware of practitioners on the type of treatment you want and ask him to nominate someone you.
 2. entire names of candidates and ask all of them were unanimous on the qualifications and certificates of each of them and the type of training they have received information, location and also the cost of treatment.
3 Make sure the type of treatment he wanted, subject to your health insurance. 
4. When you choose your processor equipped questions you want to know her answer from him on the first visit and it is advisable to bring a friend or someone in the family with the first visit.
 5. Be prepared to answer questions about your history processor patients, no injuries, surgeries, medical conditions and any medications or vitamins or dietary supplements addressed.

 Finally, based on this information after the collection of information identified Do you think this is the right therapist? Do you rest him does he think that his qualifications Cafe and his answers convincing to you? Is effective treatment plan show and then taken a decision and choose the appropriate processor for you.

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