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Rabu, 14 Oktober 2015

Bananas-The Fruit With A Peel!

Bananas-The Fruit With A Peel!
Image Source:   "Bananas white background DS" by Augustus Binu. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 via Commons - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bananas_white_background_DS.jpg#/media/File:Bananas_white_background_DS.jpg

Creamy, rich, and sweet, bananas are a favorite food for everyone from infants to elders.Sports enthusiasts appreciate the potassium-power delivered by this high energy fruit. 

Bananas contain three natural sugars-sucrose, fructose and glucose-and fiber, which together give an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes.

1. Bananas are one of our best sources of potassium, an essential mineral for maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function. Since the average banana contains a whopping 467 mg of potassium and only 1 mg of sodium, a banana a day may help to prevent high blood pressure and protect against atherosclerosis.

2. Anemia: High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.

3. Blood Pressure: This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it the perfect way to beat high blood pressure. So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.

4. Hangover: One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.

5. Heartburn: Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from  heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.

6. Morning Sickness: Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.

7. Mosquito bite: Rub the bite with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation.

8. Nerves: Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system.

9.Smoking: Bananas can also help people trying to give up smoking. The B6, B12 they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

10. Stress: Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body's water balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium levels. These can be rebalanced with the help of a high-potassium banana snack.

11. Strokes: According to research in "The New England Journal of Medicine," eating bananas as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death by strokes by as much as 40%!

12. Warts: Those keen on natural alternatives swear that if you want to kill off a wart, place the inside of a banana skin on the wart and cover it with a band aidCompared to an apple, a banana has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around. So maybe it’s time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, "A banana a day keeps the doctor away!"

13. Ulcers: The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in chronic cases. It also neutralizes over -acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.

14. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Bananas can help SAD sufferers because they contain the natural mood enhancer, tryptophan.

15. Brain Power: Research has shown that the potassium-packed banana can assist learning by increasing alertness.

16. Constipation: High in fiber, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.

17. Interestingly enough it has been said that because Bananas contain B vitamins, which are essential for converting carbohydrates to energy they are believed to help manufacture sex hormones such as testosterone.

18. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) : Forget the pills-eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.

19. Depression: According to a recent survey among people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to help you relax, improve your mood and generally help you feel happier.

20. The extract of core of the stem is considered to be useful in dissolving the stones in the kidney and urinary bladder and reducing the weight. The inflorescence mixed with coconut oil and spices is used for flushing the urinary blocks.

21. High in Vitamin B6 Bananas are particularly high in vitamin B6. This vitamin is important for creating hemoglobin for healthy blood. B6 is also involved in maintaining proper blood sugar levels, synthesizing and breaking down amino acids and producing antibodies for a stronger immune response in your body.

22. Even the skins of this amazing fruit have their uses. Banana skins have been used externally to treat skin conditions like psoriasis and acne. The freshly peeled inside of the banana skin is gently rubbed over the affected area and the residue left on. This might be better done on a day indoors or before bed to avoid the banana smell when out and about.

So there you have 22 good reasons to pick up a bunch of bananas the next time you’re out shopping. 

Minggu, 09 Agustus 2015

Health Benefits of Passion Fruit

Health Benefits of Passion Fruit
Image Source:  "Passiflora edulis forma flavicarpa". Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons - 

Image Source:  "Passionfruit and cross section" by Taken byfir0002 | flagstaffotos.com.auCanon 
20D + Sigma 150mm f/2.8 - Own work. Licensed under GFDL 1.2 via Wikimedia Commons 

Common Names: Passion Fruit, Granadilla, Purple Granadilla, Yellow Passion Fruit

Passion fruit is a plant that is commercially cultivated for its fruits. The fruit is oval and yellow or dark purple at maturity with a soft juicy interior.

Passiflora is from the Latin passus (suffering) and flos (flower), literally the Flower of Passion so called by the early Catholic Spanish priests in South America who regarded the plants features as symbols of the Crucifixion.

1. Passionfruit is believed to contain somniferous properties, which are calming and sleep-inducing. Many indigenous tribes of South America traditionally used passionfruit in calming tonics and as a sedative. 

2. Passionfruit contains high levels of fibre, which is essential for your toddler's digestive system, metabolism and eliminating toxins from his body.

3. Full of Vitamin A and flavonoid antioxidants, this fruit is great for your little one’s developing vision, mucous membranes and skin.

4. Vitamin C helps build up resistance against flu-like viruses and passionfruit is packed with it. So if your toddler gets the sniffles, the Vitamin C will lessen his symptoms and can help him make a faster recovery. 

5. Did you know one passionfruit contains the same amount of potassium as a banana? Potassium aids the function of the body’s cells, tissues and organs, which is vital for growing bodies.

6. Just because a passionfruit has wrinkly skin does not mean it’s ripe. Passionfruit is best judged by weight, rather than skin. If it feels heavy and ‘full’ it’s probably ripe but if it’s wrinkled it may have started to dry up.

7. Passionfruit crops are mainly pollinated by honeybees. If you’re ever near a passionfruit farm you will notice hives strategically placed throughout the crop to encourage pollination.

8. The passionfruit is technically a berry. This is because, by botanical definition, it is a fleshy fruit grown from a single ovary.

9. The passionfruit takes its name from the fruit’s exotic-looking flower and is said to symbolise the Passion of Christ. The three stigmas are said to reflect the three nails in Jesus’ hands and feet, the 10 petals represent the Apostles (not including Peter or Judas), and the vines represent the whips used on Jesus.

10. Another type of supplement extracted from passion fruit peel was found to improve physical function and decrease the pain and the stiffness among patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. The reported beneficial effects were thought to be due to the antioxidant properties and antiinflammatory chemicals of the passion fruit peel.