
Kamis, 11 Agustus 2016

Benefits of onions - Information not imagine all the benefits of onions

Onions one of the oldest known on earth vegetables, we have talked about the ancient Pharaonic civilization often mentioned in a lot of Brdyatem, we have used it in mummification and placed him with the dead in believing that the onions will help the deceased to breathe in the other world, either present to this day, there is no kitchen or house cleared of onion because of its many uses in food and others, and as it contains important and useful food for human health contains onions on fiber and some minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and contains some vitamins such as vitamin C, a , B, and in this article we will address the most important benefits and uses of onions to human health.

Strengthening the immune
Strengthens the immune onions dramatically It contains vitamin C and some tonic materials for immunity so he is very useful in cases of cold and flu is also working to suit the problem of clogged nose by inhaling its fragrance.

Cancer Prevention
Containing onions on some sulfur compounds that work on the prevention of cancer as it works to rid the body of toxins that lead to carcinoma cells which makes the inclusion of onions daily diet is usually very healthy to strengthen the immune system and the prevention of cancer, So make sure them.

Benefits of onions for the heart
Onions contain chromium, vitamin B and sulfur compounds all of this works on heart health and protect him from diseases where learning these components to reduce high blood pressure in humans is also working to reduce cholesterol levels in blood, which strengthens the heart and prevents injury, thrombosis of the arteries and it protects the heart from exposure to health crises.

Digestive health
Helps onions digestive system to perform its functions is fulfilled resolves many digestion problems, thereby acting onions laxative normal for the stomach, making it very useful in cases of constipation, as is the onion plants that contain large percentage of water in addition to some alkaline substances that make it work Kmadr a natural diuretic, which protects against man and help him be in cases of gallstones.

Benefits of onions for diabetics
Recent studies have shown that onions high capacity and very strong in stabilizing blood sugar levels as it contains foodstuffs working on it where he works to revitalize and increase the excretion of insulin and helps cells to respond properly to insulin.

Treat thinning hair
The onion is very useful in the treatment of thinning hair. All you have to do is the age of the onion and add half a teaspoon of honey, and you can add any essential oil of your choice in addition to suppress the smell Albdil. Applying this mixture all over your hair, or the parts that appear thin. Leaving the whole night and do not cover your head. In the morning, rinse with water and shampoo. This should be done once at least three times a week to get the best results.

Keeps the hair color
You can apply the onion juice on your hair to give shade copper as well as to make your hair shiny. However, if you want to maintain the natural color of the hair, you can mix the onion with sufficient quantities of mustard oil and apply it on your hair.

Relieve earache
A few drops of onion juice may actually be very useful for people who suffer from severe ear ache. Ringing in the ear can be treated by applying onion juice through a piece of cotton inside the ear.

Consumption equal mixture of onion juice and honey can help alleviate sore throat and cough.

Lowers bad cholesterol
Studies at the Chinese University in Hong Kong indicate that the onion (especially with the color red) can help lower bad cholesterol levels. Studies indicate that half of the onion daily consumption can help to raise HDL cholesterol by 30%.

Brain health
Some studies suggest that the consumption of onions can help prevent brain damage caused by stroke or blood clot. And it plays an important role in the field of mental health.

Rich in quercetin
It has been proven in the medical community that the flavonoid quercetin is essential in helping to ward off or cure these nagging health conditions:
Blood clots
hay fever
Some of the side effects of onion

  • Onions reduces blood sugar levels, so diabetics should be achieved blood sugar before eating because it may lower the level of sugar in the blood too much.
  • Pregnant women and lactating women should limit the amount of onion consumption because it often causes heartburn during these stages.
  • Onions may reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure. So, who are taking medications for high blood pressure, caution must be exercised in consumption.
  • Onions may reduce the ability to remove lithium from the body. So if you take any special lithium medication you should consult a doctor before taking any medications lithium while you consume onions.

source : almawk3

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