
Senin, 02 November 2015


Image Source:  "Hong Kong Okra Aug 25 2012" by Earth100 - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hong_Kong_Okra_Aug_25_2012.JPG#/media/File:Hong_Kong_Okra_Aug_25_2012.JPG

Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) is a heat-loving vegetable in the Hibiscus family. Okra has a long history, with its beginnings in Egypt where it is cultivated before the time of Cleopatra. The okra plant spread to many parts of the world during the Atlantic slave trade. During World War II, the shortage of coffee beans made them use okra seeds as a substitute for coffee. This incident made the word “okra fever”. Since then, okra's popularity never disappeared from local markets to convenience stores throughout the world and throughout the year.

Okra contains vitamins A and C and is a good source of iron and calcium. It also contains starch, fat, ash, thiamine and riboflavin. No wonder, Cleopatra and Yang Guifei maintained their beauties.

1. The superior fiber found in okra helps to stabilize the blood sugar by curbing the rate at which sugar is absorbed from the intestinal tract.

2. Okra's mucilage binds cholesterol and bile acid carrying toxins dumped into it by the filtering liver.

3. Okra helps lubricate the large intestines due to its bulk laxative qualities. The okra fiber absorbs water and ensures bulk in stools. This helps prevent and improve constipation. Unlike harsh wheat bran,which can irritate or injure the intestinal tract, okra's mucilage soothes, and okra facilitates elimination more comfortably by its slippery characteristic. Okra binds excess cholesterol and toxins (in bile acids). These, if not evacuated, will cause numerous health problems. Okra also assures easy passage out of waste from the body. Okra is completely non-toxic, non-habit forming, has no adverse side effects, is full of nutrients, and is economically within reach of most individuals unlike over-the-counter drugs.

4. Okra fiber is excellent for feeding the good bacteria (probiotics). This contributes to the health of the intestinal tract. 

5. Okra is a supreme vegetable for those feeling weak, exhausted, and suffering from depression.

6. Okra is used for healing ulcers and to keep joints limber. It helps to neutralize acids, being very alkaline, and provides a temporary protective coating for the digestive tract.

7. Okra treats lung inflammation, sore throat, and irritable bowel syndrome.

8. Okra has been used successfully in experimental blood plasma replacements.

9. Okra is good for summer heat treatment.

10. Okra is good for constipation.

11. Okra is good in normalizing the blood sugar and cholesterol level.

12. Okra is good for asthma. Okra's vitamin C is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, which curtail the development of asthma symptoms.

13. Okra is good for atherosclerosis.

14. Okra is believed to protect some forms of cancer expansion, especially colorectal cancer.

15. Eating okra helps to support the structure of capillaries.

16. Some information shows that eating okra lowers the risk of cataracts.

17. Okra is good for preventing diabetes.

18. Okra protects you from pimples and maintains smooth and beautiful skin. We understand the reason why Cleopatra and Yang Guifei loved to eat okra.

19. There are other medicinal uses of okra, like its protection against trans fats.

20. Okra’s mucilage not only binds cholesterol but bile acid carrying toxins dumped into it by the filtering liver. But it doesn’t stop there.

Kamis, 29 Oktober 2015

Health Benefits of Pumpkin

Health Benefits of Pumpkin
Image Source:  "Traugers-farm-bucks-county-large" by Frenchtowner - I, Licensed under GFDL via Commons -https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Traugers-farm-bucks-county-large.jpg#/media/File:Traugers-farm-bucks-county-large.jpg

The pumpkin, a member of the Cucurbita family including squash and cucumbers, got its name from the Greek word "pepon" for large melon. Seeds from related plants have been  found in Mexico, dating back over 7000 years to 5500 B.C.

Mostly known for being a part of Halloween decorations or a pie filling, pumpkins are also packed with nutrition and offer a wide range of health benefits. Pumpkins are a storehouse of vitamins, mineral and other healthy nutrients. Whether it is the pulp or the seeds, pumpkins are great for your health and can offer some incredible benefits.

High Carotenoids Content-Pumpkins owe their bright Orange color to the high amount of carotenoids present in them. Carotenoids assist in staving off the free radicals in the body, and help in preventing premature aging, cardiovascular diseases and other infections. They are also high in Lutein & Zeaxanthin which protect the eyes against free radical damage and prevent formation of cataracts and degeneration of the eye tissues.

Protein-Pumpkin seeds also known as Pepitas are a rich source of protein. One ounce of pumpkin seeds contains approx. 7 grams of protein. Their oil is high in phytosterols or plant-based fatty acids and their chemical composition is the same as cholesterol. Phytosterols can replace cholesterol in the body, and help in reducing the blood cholesterol levels.

Essential Fatty Acids-Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of essential fatty acids, which have numerous health benefits. From providing protection against serious health diseases such as high blood pressure, arthritis and cancer to promoting healthy skin and improving brain power, essential fatty acids present in pumpkin oil offer several health benefits.

Vitamin A-Pumpkin is a rich source of Vitamin A. Regular consumption of pumpkin (both seeds and flesh) can promote the health of your eyes and boost your immune system remarkably.

Vitamin C-Vitamin C helps fight free radicals, improves immunity and promotes the production of collagen. The high Vitamin C content in pumpkins also offers protection against various forms of cancer.

Magnesium - Both the pulp and seeds of pumpkin are rich in magnesium, which is an important mineral required for various biological functions. Magnesium is also required for the maintenance bones and teeth.

Potassium and Zinc-Pumpkin is loaded with potassium and Zinc. Studies show that eating a potassium-rich diet can prevent onset of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. Zinc is important for providing bone density support for people at risk for osteoporosis. It boosts the immune system and promotes reproductive health.

Fiber-Pumpkin flesh is very low in calories and contains abundant quantities of extremely good dietary fiber. It is extremely effective for treating gastrointestinal disorders such as constipation, indigestion etc. The high amount of fiber also helps in lowering the LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in the blood and in regulating the blood sugar levels.

Image Source: "Pumpkins" by Martin Doege (Morn), uploaded to English WP on 2003-08-21 - Own work. Licensed under GFDL 1.2 via Commons - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pumpkins.jpg#/media/File:Pumpkins.jpg

Prostate Cancer-The protective compounds present within the pumpkin seeds, called phytosterols ca n lower the risk of prostate cancer. These work by shrinking the prostate and stimulating the secretion of chemicals that protect against the transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). High DHT levels can cause enlargement of the prostate glands.

Anti-Inflammatory Effect-The Beta carotene present in pumpkin seeds and flesh has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption of pumpkin can protect against joint inflammation and arthritis. Pumpkins have been known to provide relief from inflammation quickly, without the harmful side-effects of anti-inflammatory medicines.

Great on your skin-The high amount of Vitamin A, C and E as well as Zinc present in pumpkin, make it a great choice for those who want a healthy and glowing skin. Have a cup of pumpkin seeds per day to prevent appearance of wrinkles and to keep your skin hydrated and nourished.

Prevents Kidney Stones-Have 5 to 10 grams of pumpkin seeds every day. This stimulates the kidneys and prevents the formation of calcium oxalate stones.

Depression - Pumpkin flesh contains L-tryptophan, a chemical compound that triggers feelings of well-being and happiness. Having pumpkin as a part of your daily diet can keep your spirits high and prevent depression.

Diuretics -Pumpkins are natural diuretics. These help in flushing out the toxins and unwanted waste material from the body, leaving you refreshed and healthy.
With so many health benefits, it is no wonder that pumpkin is an important part of the list of Super Foods. Next time you are carving a pumpkin, do not throw away the pulp or the seeds – instead boil, bake or cook them in any form you like.

Protection for Men's Bones-In addition to maintaining prostate health, another reason for older men to make zinc-rich foods, such as pumpkin seeds, a regular part of their healthy way of eating is bone mineral density.

Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2015

Queen of Spices

Queen of Spices
Image Source:  "Elettaria cardamomum capsules" by Stephantom - de.wikipedia uploaded by Stephantom. Licensed under CC BY-SA 
3.0 via Commons - 

Health Benefits Of Cardamom
Botanical Name: Elettaria Cardamom
Common Name: Elaichi, Kapulaga, Elam, Cardamom, Enasal, Grawahn
Indian: Chhoti elachi, e(e)lachie, ela(i)chi, illaichi
English: Cardamon or Cardamom
French: Cardamome
German: Kardamom
Italian: Cardamomo, cardamone
Tamil: Elam
Indonesian: Kapulaga

Origin: India (Malabar Coast), Sri Lanka, Thailand, Papua New Guinea Cardamom is said to be the . It is a perennial herb with thick, fleshy rhizomes or underground stems, shooting leaf roots and white or pale green three-celled flowers. The flowers produce green husklike pod capsules that contain seeds. The seeds are small black and sticky. Cardamom is commercially used as the dried fruit of Elettaria Cardamom.

1. If you are troubled with bad breadth, then chew some cardamom. It will work as a mouth freshener and help get rid of bad breath.

2. If you are one of the victims of depression or anxiety, then powder some cardamom and boil it in hot water to prepare cardamom tea. The pleasing aroma will help you ease your depression and other mental problems.

3. Cardamom helps to improve circulation to the lungs, so it is recommended for people suffering from asthma and bronchitis.

4. If your sex life is going down the drain, then use cardamom. Cardamom can be used to treat sexual dysfunctions like impotency and premature ejaculation.

5. Besides, the above benefits, cardamom also has a cooling effect; stimulates the appetite and eases stomach cramps.

6. Chewing cardamom after a heavy meal prevents from going into food coma (a situation where we feel fatigued and sleepy immediately after eating).

7. Eating cardamom in winters is a nice way to keep warm and get rid of phlegm occurring in sinuses and chest.

8. Adding cardamom to coffee, latte and tea helps clear the mucus forming properties of dairy products and bad oils.

9. Cardamom helps cure kidney and urinary tract problems such as weak bladder, involuntary urination, urinary tract infection and premature ejaculation.

10. It helps relieve muscle pain and spasm throughout the body.

11. Cardamom tea is given to chemotherapy patients to overcome nausea.

12. Cardamom is used to detox the body from caffeine and cleanse the kidney and bladder. It is a common addition to coffee in the Middle East.

13. It can be used to treat gum and teeth infections.

14. This exotic spice contains many plant-derived chemical compounds that are known to carry anti oxidant, disease-preventing and health-promoting properties.

15. Cardamom oil is an antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, stimulant, stomachache and tonic.

16. Cardamom is a good source of minerals such as potassium, calcium, copper and

17. Additionally, cardamom is also an excellent source of iron and manganese. One hundred grams of pods contain 13.97mg or 175 per cent of daily-required levels of iron. Iron is required for red blood cell formation and cellular metabolism.
Manganese is a co-factor for the enzyme, superoxide dismutase, which is a very powerful free radical scavenger.

18. Furthermore, these aromatic pods are rich in many vital vitamins, including riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C, which are essential for optimum health

19. Cardamom oils are used for messages in Ayurveda massage parlor. It eases muscle tension and gradually gives a whole physical relief. The volatile oils extracts from cardamom is used for improving metabolism. It is used in the cure of halitosis.

20. Cardamom is used for digestive disorders frequently. It helps to relieves gas and heartburn. Cardamom reduces the air and water elements, increases appetite and soothes the mucous membrane. Ground cardamom seed mixed with ginger, coriander and cloves is an effective medicinal solution for indigestion.
Image source: 
"Cardamom pods - Green BNC" by Prathyush Thomas - Own work. Licensed under GFDL 1.2 via Commons - 

21. The aromatic cardamom acts as breath freshener too. A few seeds chewed for a brief time can outfight bad breath. It has the power to kill the germs which causes the bad breath.

22. It also cures some genito-urinary infections. The powdered cardamom seeds mixed with a tablespoon of banana leaf and amla juice acts as an excellent diuretic treatment for cystitis, nephritis [inflammation of kidney], burning micturation and scanty urination.

23. It’s a fighter against oral infections. Daily gargle of an infusion of cardamom and cinnamon protects one from the Flu and bacterial infections like throat infections. The same medicinal mixture can cure pharyngitis too.

24. Cardamom powder mixed tea is a delicious drink which cures physical depression. It may help relieve nausea and vomiting. It can help detoxify against excessive caffeine. It is effective in fighting pulmonary disease with copious phlegm. Cardamom tea helps to cure headache caused by indigestion

25. The herb is using for treating in sexual dysfunctions like impotency. A pinch of cardamom seeds powder boiled in milk and sweetened with honey is useful in case of premature ejaculation. However, excessive use of cardamom at times may lead to impotency.

26. Cardamom also helps in cleansing the body as it has detoxifying properties. It can be helpful in prevention of spasms or convulsions. People use cardamom in foods as a flavoring agent. It helps to remove toxins too.

Kamis, 22 Oktober 2015

Health Benefits of Neem

Health Benefits of Neem
Image Source:  
"Neem (Azadirachta indica) in Hyderabad W IMG 6976" by J.M.Garg - Own work. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via 
Commons - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Neem_

Neem commonly called ‘Indian Lilac’ or ‘Margosa’, belongs to the family Meliaceae. Neem is the most versatile, multifarious trees of tropics, with immense potential. It possesses maximum useful non-wood products (leaves, bark, flowers, fruits, seed, gum, oil and neem cake) than any other tree species.

Neem is one of the most powerful blood-purifiers, detoxifiers and immune system boosters known. Hundreds of diseases have been shown to respond favorably to neem. Neem leaf can be taken as tea or in capsules. Neem oil can be applied externally or a few drops can be put in an empty capsule and taken internally.

Neem was “discovered” in the western world in 1959 when a German entomologist noticed that it was the only green standing after a swarm of locusts swept through the Sudan.

Every part of this fascinating tree has been used, from ancient to modern times, to treat hundreds of different maladies. While it is still revered in India for its superior healing properties, recent investigation has dramatically increased worldwide interest in Neem and many products are now manufactured using this miraculous herb. More than any other Indian herb, Neem proved useful in helping the body resist diseases and restore the proper balance to the body’s systems.

1. Skin Conditions:
Neem has an almost magical effect on chronic skin conditions that often fail to respond with classical treatments. Acne, psoriasis, eczema, itching, rosacea, shingles, ringworm, athlet’s foot, herpes, fungal infections, cold sores, dandruff, dry skin, hemorrhoids, rash, skin ulcers, rheumatism, sprains, pain, warts, wrinkles are among the conditions that clear up consistently when a high quality organic chemical-free, zero harm Neem product is utilized.

2. Hair and Nails:
When high quality, wild-crafted Neem extract and in some cases cold pressed Neem oil from the kernels of the olive shaped fruit is added to health and beauty preparations, it provides many benefits. Problem scalp conditions including dandruff and psoriasis, scaling and even hair loss respond to treatment with Neem shampoo, conditioners, creams, tinctures and capsules.

3. Teeth and Gums:
Infection, tooth decay, bleeding and sore gums have been treated very successfully through the daily application of Neem mouth rinse or Neem leaf extract added to water or using Neem toothpaste.  Some people report a total reversal of gum degeneration and gum bleeding after using Neem for only a few weeks or months. In India most people are using the twigs from the branches of the Neem tree and you can notice that these people have very healthy looking gums and white teeth.

4. Fungi, Parasites and Viruses:
Neem has been successfully proven under stringent laboratory conditions to destroy harmful fungi, parasites and viruses. Athlete’s foot, thrush, candida infestations and herpes viruses are easily cleared up and prevented when Neem is used. Neem has been proven successful in treating stomach ulcers. Its antihistamine and antibacterial compounds appear to reduce inflammation and destroy the bacteria now believed responsible for the common ailments.

5. Cancer:
Neem has been tested on many types of cancers, including skin cancers, using Neem-based creams against lymphocytic cancer and using the Neem tincture or capsules internally.

6. Diabetes:
Neem has been found to reduce insulin requirements for diabetics by up to 50% for nonkeytonic, insulin fast and insulin-sensitive diabetes without altering blood glucose levels.

7. Heart Disease:
Neem has been scientifically tested for its ability to reduce blood pressure, blood clots, has delayed the coagulation of blood, heart irregularities (palpitation) inclusive calmed erratic heartbeats, helps reduce elevated heart rates and high cholesterol levels. The antihistamine effect helps reduce elevated blood pressure.

8. Minor Skin Abrasions:
Use the cream or leaf extract applied topically. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial attributes of Neem are delightfully soothing.

9. Sunburns:
Prevents sunburns from UV rays.

10. Herpes:
Recent tests in Germany show that neem extracts (cream) are toxic to herpes virus and can aid in a rapid healing of cold sores.

11. Allergies:
Neem has antihistamine properties that help inhibit allergic reactions when applied externally or consumed as a decoction.

12. Ulcers:
Neem extract give significant protection from discomfort and speed the healing of gastric and duodenal lesions.

13. Malaria:
An active ingredient in Neem leaves, called irodin A, is toxic to resistant strains of malaria. Invitro studies show 100% mortality of malaria gamete in 72 hours with a 1:20.000 ratio.

14. Hepatitis:
Tests show Neem adversely affects the virus that causes hepatitis B.

15. Birth Control (Men):
In India and United States, trials show Neem extract reduced fertility in male monkeys without inhibiting libido or sperm production, making it potentially the first male birth control pill.

16. Birth Control (Women):
Used as a vaginal lubricant or injected into the fallopian tube, Neem oil was up to 100% effective in preventing pregnancy.

The Neem tree or margosa is a botanical cousin of mahagony and belongs to the family Maliaceae. Its botanical name is Azadirachta Indica which literally means "the free tree of India".

When neem is used in grain storage, pests can be kept away from the grain for a whole year; but if the grain is already infected with pests the protection will not work.

Rabu, 21 Oktober 2015

Health Benefits of Ginger

Health Benefits of Ginger
Image source: "Ginger in China 01" by Anna Frodesiak - Own work. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ginger_in_China_01.jpg#/media/File:Ginger_in_China_01.jpg

Ginger (Zingiber(officinale) has been prized for centuries for its benefits to human health and well being. Ginger originated in Asia, and was used widely as both a culinary and a medicinal herb in not only Asian but Indian and Arabic traditions as well. The plant is famous for its concentrated, spicy aroma, which can be atributed to the fact that it is composed of up to 3% natural essential oils. The important active components of the ginger root are thought to be these volatile oils and pungent phenol compounds.

1. Ginger has carminative properties (anti spasm) and can be used to calm in upset stomach, providing!relief for the relief of bloating and gas.

2. The intake of ginger helps stimulate the secretion of mucus, quieting your cough and soothing any scratchiness in your throat.

3. Ginger has been proven (in multiple studies) to treat feelings of nausea, particularly in the form of seasickness, morning sickness, motion sickness and as a side effect of chemotherapy.

4. Ginger contains anti!viral, anti!toxic, and anti fungal properties, and is used for the prevention of and treatment against the common cold.

5. Ginger acts as an antihistamine and aids in the treatment of allergies.

6. Ginger displays anti-inflammatory properties and can be!used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, 
osteoarthritis, and various other muscular disorders. The chemical components of the root are instrumental in inhibiting the biosynthesis of prostaglandins, which are responsible for causing inflammation. 

7. Ginger contains special enzymes responsible for catalysing the proteins in your food, thus aiding in digestion and the prevention of cramps. The ancient Greeks used to eat ginger after a large mealin order to ease the digestion process.

8. Due to its promotion of mucus!secretion, ginger protects against the development of ulcers, unwanted holes in the lining of your stomach.

9. Ginger has proven to help lowery your cholesterol levels and prevent the formation of blood clots.

10. Ginger is  often used to settle an upset stomach or treat severe stomach ailments such as dyspepsia or colic.  It is freqently used todayin developing countries to treat diarrhea. A great way to incorporate ginger into your daily life is to make your own ginger tea or add it to a pot of loose leaf green tea, add to soups, stir fries or get creative with some ginger recipes.

11. Tea for chills, colds, nausea, circulatory stimulant, tummy-ache. Ginger tea is also great for healing the female organs after birth and/or surgery. Ginger tea is so effective against ailments of the reproductive and digestive systems because it stimulates circulation and supports a good blood supply to these organs.

12. Massage Oil for aches and pains, and circulatory stimulation.

Rabu, 14 Oktober 2015

Bananas-The Fruit With A Peel!

Bananas-The Fruit With A Peel!
Image Source:   "Bananas white background DS" by Augustus Binu. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 via Commons - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bananas_white_background_DS.jpg#/media/File:Bananas_white_background_DS.jpg

Creamy, rich, and sweet, bananas are a favorite food for everyone from infants to elders.Sports enthusiasts appreciate the potassium-power delivered by this high energy fruit. 

Bananas contain three natural sugars-sucrose, fructose and glucose-and fiber, which together give an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes.

1. Bananas are one of our best sources of potassium, an essential mineral for maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function. Since the average banana contains a whopping 467 mg of potassium and only 1 mg of sodium, a banana a day may help to prevent high blood pressure and protect against atherosclerosis.

2. Anemia: High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.

3. Blood Pressure: This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it the perfect way to beat high blood pressure. So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.

4. Hangover: One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.

5. Heartburn: Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from  heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.

6. Morning Sickness: Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.

7. Mosquito bite: Rub the bite with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation.

8. Nerves: Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system.

9.Smoking: Bananas can also help people trying to give up smoking. The B6, B12 they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

10. Stress: Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body's water balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium levels. These can be rebalanced with the help of a high-potassium banana snack.

11. Strokes: According to research in "The New England Journal of Medicine," eating bananas as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death by strokes by as much as 40%!

12. Warts: Those keen on natural alternatives swear that if you want to kill off a wart, place the inside of a banana skin on the wart and cover it with a band aidCompared to an apple, a banana has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around. So maybe it’s time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, "A banana a day keeps the doctor away!"

13. Ulcers: The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in chronic cases. It also neutralizes over -acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.

14. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Bananas can help SAD sufferers because they contain the natural mood enhancer, tryptophan.

15. Brain Power: Research has shown that the potassium-packed banana can assist learning by increasing alertness.

16. Constipation: High in fiber, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.

17. Interestingly enough it has been said that because Bananas contain B vitamins, which are essential for converting carbohydrates to energy they are believed to help manufacture sex hormones such as testosterone.

18. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) : Forget the pills-eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.

19. Depression: According to a recent survey among people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to help you relax, improve your mood and generally help you feel happier.

20. The extract of core of the stem is considered to be useful in dissolving the stones in the kidney and urinary bladder and reducing the weight. The inflorescence mixed with coconut oil and spices is used for flushing the urinary blocks.

21. High in Vitamin B6 Bananas are particularly high in vitamin B6. This vitamin is important for creating hemoglobin for healthy blood. B6 is also involved in maintaining proper blood sugar levels, synthesizing and breaking down amino acids and producing antibodies for a stronger immune response in your body.

22. Even the skins of this amazing fruit have their uses. Banana skins have been used externally to treat skin conditions like psoriasis and acne. The freshly peeled inside of the banana skin is gently rubbed over the affected area and the residue left on. This might be better done on a day indoors or before bed to avoid the banana smell when out and about.

So there you have 22 good reasons to pick up a bunch of bananas the next time you’re out shopping. 

Minggu, 11 Oktober 2015


Image Source: "Lactobacillus sp 01" by Photo Credit: Janice CarrContent Providers(s): CDC/Dr. Mike 
Miller - This media comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public 
Health Image Library (PHIL), with identification number #1048.Note: Not all PHIL images 
are public domain; be sure to check copyright status and credit authors and content 
providers.English | Slovenščina | +/−. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons - 

Prebiotics promote the growth and proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the digestive system. Probiotics have been defined as live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host. Unlike probiotics, which are live organisms, prebiotics are components of food that are not otherwise easily digested by humans and these food components essentially feed beneficial bacteria in your gut.

Probioticsare live microorganisms with nearly 20 known species. The live and active bacteria (Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria) found in foods such as yogurt, cottage cheese, buttermilk or other cultured dairy products are considered probiotics and may be the most familiar.

Anything with sugar in it can be a prebiotic.
Inulin - Inulin is found in 36,000 plants such as:

Herbs - chicory root, burdock root and dandelion root 

Fruits - such as apples, bananas 

Sweet vegetables - such as onions, garlic, asparagus, leeks and Jerusalem artichokes 

Raw apple cider vinegar 

EcoBloom - Body Ecology’s prebiotic dietary fiber supplement Mother’s milk for babies 

The subgroup of inulin, is also a prebiotic and is often added to dairy foods and baked goods. It improves the taste and stimulates the growth of the beneficial bacteria, bifidobacteria. 

Heart Health
Prebiotics have been shown to moderate cholesterol and triglyceride levels- both indicators of heart disease. Specifically, one study shows that inulin can reduce artherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries by 30%. As heart disease becomes more widespread among men and women, new approaches to treatment and prevention that do not involve medications are proving to be effective and have the added benefit of being side effect free, unless you count improved health as a side effect!

From an immunity standpoint, who doesn’t want to feel better and get sick less often? 
In preliminary research, prebiotics boost white blood cells and killer T cells, and may even improve your body’s response to vaccinations. Children in one test group who ate yogurt containing inulin had fewer daycare absences, fewer doctor visits and took fewer antibiotics.

Chronic Illness and Digestion
Because prebiotics act in your intestines, they have a profound effect on the pathogens and bad bacteria in your body that can cause disease. Prebiotics are being used to treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Crohn’s Disease, and may also prove useful for treating cancer, osteoporosis and diabetes.

The 19th century Russian scientist Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov is credited with identifying probiotics and their possible benefits. This “father of probiotics” noted the connection between the longevity of Bulgarian peasants and their diet featuring Lactobacillus-rich milk that was fermented with lactic acid. Later, in the 20th century, these microorganisms were called probiotics, meaning “for life” in Greek. In 1935, the Japanese drink Yakult became the first commercially released probiotics product.

Probiotics have formally been defined as “Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host.” Put more simply, probiotics are the healthy bacteria that naturally reside in the gut, where they promote immunity and digestion.

Benefits of Probiotics:
1.  Immune system 

2. Maintain optimal health and wellness.

3. Provide a natural defense or immune system for your body.

4. Prevent growth of harmful bacteria.

5. Strengthen your immune system towards allergies and other autoimmune diseases.

6. Help your body to produce vitamins.

Digestion system 
 Support healthy digestion.
 Increase defecation and reduce constipation.
 Help control the illness-causing bacteria in your intestinal tract.
 Reduce the effects of Candida infection.
 Improve digestion of lactose, especially for you who are lactose-intolerant.
 Reducing your cholesterol level.
 Reducing blood pressure.
 Improving your body’s absorption of minerals, especially calcium.
 Decreasing dental-caries-causing microbes in your mouth.

Probiotics To Prevent Disease
 Cure vaginal yeast infections.
 Urinary tract infections.
 Prevent diarrhea after having treatment with certain antibiotics.
 Prevent diarrhea caused by virus or Salmonella.
 Manage the signs and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
 Strengthen the immune system to combat allergies and other immunal diseases.
 Reduce amounts of cancer-causing substances in your intestine.
 Reduce the effects of a Candida infection.
 Prevent and/or reduce colon cancer.
 Reduce the development of allergy in your children.
 Reduce infections and inflammation.
 Fighting eczema