
Minggu, 19 Juni 2016

10 Health Rules For Women

Health tips for women
Health Tips For Women

 Care is essential to ensure good health and quality of life. We give you 10 simple tips to maintain good health at every stage of your existence.

Controls addictions: 
smoking, alcohol, and psychoactive substances not only bring diseases such as cancer, osteoporosis or cirrhosis but may impair your mental health and your relationships, family and work. Seek help if these addictions are mistreating your body and your mind.
Visit the gynecologist:
A woman with an active sex life must go at least once a year to the gynecologist. In this way, you can monitor your sexual and reproductive health from an early age.

Look after your heart:
Every year a growing number of women suffering from cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. Visit the cardiologist if you have symptoms or family history and follow their instructions. For more information, click here.

Watch gastrointestinal diseases:
gastritis, reflux, colitis, among others, are a very common disease in women due to poor diet and hereditary and psychological conditions. If you suffer continuously from these evils, do not neglect: watch your diet and follow proper medical treatment.

Control your weight: 
to have proper control of your weight, you can prevent diseases such as overweight, hypertension, osteoporosis and more. Maintain a healthy weight is not just for vanity, but to preserve a healthy life.

Eye skin:
a lush and smooth skin will not only make you look younger but will keep away from diseases such as skin cancer, dermatitis, acne and more. Use sunscreen every day, desmaquĆ­llate at night and uses only products recommended by a dermatologist.

Pamper your feet:
Although often do not pay proper attention, feet can also become ill. Use the right shoes, clean your feet every morning, keep nails clean and cut and consult a specialist if you suffer from pain and continuous swelling in your feet.

Take care of your oral health:
a beautiful smile and good oral health are the results of maintaining optimal daily oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist. In the following article, we tell you how to keep your teeth healthy throughout life.

Aleja stress:
Many of the diseases that a human being can suffer can be caused by excess tension and stress in everyday life. Seeking alternatives to find calm and control your own life and seeks solutions to avoid excessive worries of everyday life.

Worry about your own health:
No one better than you know when something is wrong in your body. Constant headaches, frequent tiredness, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and other symptoms may be an important sign that can suffer a major illness. Take care of yourself, remember that health is the most important thing you can keep.
What other suggestions give us to better health and quality of life? Tell us.

Rabu, 15 Juni 2016

Sports And Physical Exercises Help Against the Cellulite

Cellulitis Treatment

If you want success in the fight against cellulite, you should regularly engage in sports and special exercises. The exercises included in the special program, help to remove fat from the body and thus prevent deformation of the connective tissue.

- Stand up and stretch your hands forward. Take 10 slow, deep breaths, and squat. This exercise stimulates the circulation.

- Stand up. Place one leg back with knee straight and bend your other leg. Bend slightly forward and place both hands on the knee. Keep your back straight 10-20 seconds. Repeat with other leg. The exercise is done 10 times.

- Lie on your back and breathe. Straighten your arms above your head and exhale, stretch forward upper body. Drawing on his heels leans forward as you can. Hold this position for 10-20 seconds, then breathe again and lie to the starting position. Repeat exercise 10 times.

- Lie on your back on the floor. Place left the foot on right knee. With both hands, lift your right leg up and try to hold it for 20 seconds. The back should not be separated from the ground. Repeat 4 times with each leg.

- Turn on your left side and set his hand on the floor. The upper leg is lifted up, then put down without touching the bottom. Please have the other party. Repeat the exercise 10 times with each leg.

- Stand with feet slightly apart. Slightly bend your legs at the knees. Belly forward. 
Take your body weight on one leg. Hold this posture while you literally “flare up” muscles. Repeat 3 times with each leg.
Running, cycling and swimming also help.

Rabu, 01 Juni 2016

Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice

Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice
The pomegranate is a native fruit of Persia. Its name in Latin means "apple with many seeds".The fruit, which is about the size of an apple, has a thin rind lined with a layer of white membrane which divides the fruit into several cells. Each cell contains numerous seeds encased in a juicy pulp. The outer rind color is pink to deep red when the fruit is mature on the most popular varieties for eating. Pomegranate has been used as curative remedy by several civilizations and has been referred as a sacred symbol by several religions and mythologies. 

1.  Its effectiveness as an anti-oxidant
Pomegranate juice has antioxidants that are super powerful and beneficial to your heart, mind, bones, and overall health. They’re called polyphenols and flavonoids. No other juice or fruit has more of these types of antioxidants than the pomegranate fruit. Researchers have suggested that the antioxidant power of pomegranate is extremely high; pomegranate juice contains nearly three times the antioxidant boost of even green tea. It is also a highly regarded defender against free-radicals in the body.

2.  Preventive and chemical treatment for cancer
It has been shown that pomegranate extract in therapeutic doses caused a natural death of cancer cells (Apoptosis) such as  breast cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer, without affecting healthy cells. Pomegranates are the richest source of a natural substance called ellagic acid.  Its effectiveness has proven in the treatment and prevention of the prostate cancer, where it suppresses the growth of cancer cells, and interferes with the genetic factors of cancer cells, leading to death at the end.

3.  Treatment of heart and blood vessels diseases
In a study released by John Hopkins Medical Center , researchers found that pomegranate juice can reduce the progression of atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries by inhibiting the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Diabetes patients who drank pomegranate juice had a reduced risk for arteriosclerosis and a reduced uptake of bad cholesterol.  Consumption of pomegranate juice for 2 weeks by hypertensive subjects significantly decreased systolic blood pressure.

4. Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects
Pomegranate has also shown to possess anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties.  The barks of the tree and root have been used in traditional medicine to eliminate tapeworms. In addition, ellagic acid also has other benefits; it has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy, anti-cancer properties.

5.  Pomegranate juice prevent Alzheimer's disease and improve the nerves
It is proven that polyphenols (found in pomegranate juice) are neuro-protective.Therefore, diet can affect the risk of  Alzheimer’s disease. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (2006) said that a daily glass of antioxidant-rich pomegranate juice may halve the build-up of harmful proteins linked to Alzheimer's disease. Pomegranate juice is high in fiber and has substantial amounts of potassium which is important in sending nerve impulses as well as releasing energy from protein, fat, and carbohydrates during metabolism.

6.  Pomegranate juice improve erectile dysfunction
Researchers believe that the potent antioxidant content of pomegranate juice can prevent free radical molecules from disrupting proper circulatory function and help increase blood flow to the penis leads to erections. Drinking 250ml of pomegranate juice a day may help manage erectile dysfunction and impotence. The juice of Pomegranate is the active source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B5, Vitamin E, iron, calcium, potassium, and antioxidant polyphenols, such contents can increase the amount of blood in the body and to regulate the blood flow to the all parts in  the body. It has been determined that taking a regular dose of pomegranate will increase the blood flow around the body, in particular to the penis area. Its powerful antioxidants help to keep the blood vessels functioning optimally. It preserves the nitric oxide in the blood vessels of the penis which keeps the penis tissue relaxed and allows increased blood flow into the region. This increased amount of blood in the penis gives a stronger and much longer lasting erection.

7.  Pomegranate juice improve sperm quality and count
The antioxidants in pomegranates particularly punicalagin play a role in sperm health because sperm are especially susceptible to oxidative damage due to the high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids involved in regulating sperm maturation and spermatogenesis.

8.  Pomegranate juice improve skin and delay ageing
Foods rich in antioxidants may improve skin and delay the effects of ageing, and pomegranates in particular may play a role due to their very high levels of antioxidants. Pomegranate has 20% more antioxidants than orange, apple or cranberry juice.  Pomegranate juice not only captures free radicals, it can also prevent inflammation, which is the main cause of premature aging. The pomegranate may contribute to  the thickening of the epidermis and help with anti-aging.

9.  Pomegranate juice prevent osteoarthritis
A study published in the September 2005 issue of the journal of nutrition suggests that that extracts from pomegranate fruit may slow cartilage  degradation in osteoarthritis.

10. Pomegranate improves fertility
Pomegranates are high in Vitamin C and fiber, and contain the minerals iron, potassium and calcium. Other nutrients include Vitamin A, Vitamin E and folic acid. It is regarded as a symbol of health, fertility and rebirth. Pomegranate has been shown in clinical studies to improve and balance the estrogen and progesterone levels and enhance nurturing energy.

11. Pomegranate boosts immunity
The pomegranate juice is rich in vitamin C which helps to increase immunity powers immensely. The antioxidants in the juice boost immunity, and increase resistance to diseases, specially TB and cancer. Studies have shown that the pomegranate can be used to treat cancers of the lung, prostrate and breast. Pomegranates have a great amount of vitamin C, which increases your immunity against the common infection such as flu, colds, bleeding gums, wounds that won’t heal, just to name a few.