
Jumat, 06 Mei 2016

Easy Way To Lose Belly Weight

Finding the easy way to lose belly weight is the thing that most of us dream about, right? Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet to get there. But there’s nothing to discourage, yet there are keys to having a flat and toned stomach. Here is a golden rule that work every time – Regular Physical Activity!
Sports preferable to lose weight belly are: walking, jogging, swimming, cycling and cardio training. For maximum effectiveness, it is advisable to practice these sports for 45 minutes at least three times a week.
In addition to the physical activity of your choice, here are three exercises to perform daily, morning and evening.
Exercise 1
The starting position is as follows: lying on his back, legs bent, feet flat on the floor and arms at your sides. Lift the left leg to the ground and press the right hand, then push. Exhale while counting to 6. Return to starting position as you inhale. 6 repetitions per set at the beginning and then 10 then when you master the position.
Exercise 2
This exercise should be done with a chair. You? Go! Sit on the edge of your chair. Keep your balance using your arms behind you. Keep your back straight and your legs go up. Blow climbing, inhale down. Keep your back flat throughout the movement. Make two sets of 20 movements.
Exercise 3
Starting position: lying on his back, resting on the forearms rest on the floor, legs parallel to the ground. Make a back and forth with your legs by bringing your knees toward the chest. Make your movements on each side, alternating once left knee once the right knee. This exercise called “the pedal” works your abs for a flatter stomach. To do this more effectively long series (up to feel a burning in your abs of).
A Balanced Diet is the Ally of Flat Stomach
If you want to lose weight in the belly, the first thing you need to focus is your diet. This should be as balanced and healthy than a diet. Some foods are your allies while others should be avoided in particular.
Bet on animal proteins contained in meat (especially poultry, fewer calories), eggs or fish. All vegetables and fruits are consumed at will without forgetting to drink water in the form of plain water, tea or infusions.

The idea is to minimize your intake of fat and carbohydrates. So, remember when you say no dishes in sauce, fries, soft drinks or pastries. Obviously, alcohol, pastries and sweets are not your friends to lose weight belly!