
Senin, 29 Februari 2016

Hair Loss After pregnancy

Hair Loss After pregnancy
Hair loss following pregnancy is common but usually temporary in nature

Pregnancy can alter the overall configuration of a woman’s hormones in many different ways. When hormones change, the hair can become a target for change in some, but not necessarily all, women.
This is due to the rapid growth of the hair cells which reflect changes in the overall hormonal environment within the woman’s body. When a woman is pregnant, the production of the sex hormone estrogen increases, which in turn prolongs the growth (anagen) phase of the hair cycle.
During pregnancy, many women find that their hair is much fuller and more luxurious. However, after the birth, estrogen levels drop and more hair will fall into the resting (telogen) phase. The result is that growing hair may fall out, and as the resting cycle can last between 2 and 6 months, it may take time to see the hair return to its growth phase.

Due to the growth rate of hair, about ½ inch per month, it may take up to a year before the hair returns to its pre-pregnancy state. Before this happens you may think you are going bald, but this is not the case. In the case of nursing mothers, the resting period may take longer than a year, and re-growth may also take a year before returning the previous levels